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The gaming world has changed drastically in the last 10 years. The big name for gaming consoles everyone remembers is "Atari", but believe it or not this was not the first gaming console. The first console was developed in 1967. A bulky wood box with 2 controllers coming out, simply named "Brown Box". The Brown Box was video gaming at its simplest, with only 6 games...namely ping pong, handball, tennis, volleyball, chase games and a light gun game. The Brown Box was able to connect to any TV set making it ideal for home entertainment.
This was a dream come true in 1967, now its just outdated technology. As the years progress so does the technology industry. A new year, a new gaming console. Our Modern technology is something we all take for granted. 50 years ago kids had to have imagination, and actually go outside. Now some kids never see the sun due to the technology we have. People are starting to dedicate their lives to gaming. The gaming industry has overcame the issue of only selling a game at one set price, now games will restrict you until you pay more to play. Pay to play? But you have already spent $60 to own this game.... the gaming industry does not care, it all evolves to one thing, and that is the dollar. Games are starting to evolve to this because of the success of such Facebook games, for example "farmville". People have actually started to pay real money to buy virtual treasure just to unlock more features of the game.
The Internet
With the creation of the internet, comes global gaming. the internet connects people from all over the world to one place, to chat, and exchange media. This has opened the door for the gaming industry. Now with this, the industry is evolving to streaming. Laser disc, 8 tracks, and VHS's have all came and gone. Now it is time for the DVD/Game to disappear. Now a person can have a unlimited number of games in one place. The trouble of actually getting up and changing the disc out is fading quickly. A person can literally hit quit game on their screen and choose a new game. I'm sure this was only a dream 20 years ago, but now it is real.
The Positive sides to Gaming
Gaming is not only a baby sitter for a couple of hours it can also be a big stress release for you. nothing can kill a bad day like coming home, and flipping on your favorite video game. Also with the internet connection, a person can chat and play with people of all different origins. This is amazing because you do not see that person, you may hear their voice but for the most part thats all.
The Negative Sides to Gaming
With positives there is always negatives. The negatives of gaming are strong. Gaming has lead to kids becoming lazy. Like I said earlier, kids use to have to actually go outside to have fun. Now you can just wake up and hit a button on your controller and turn on your TV and gaming system. Gaming also has killed the patients of the youth. We are so use to everything doing something cool, or having this media put in our hands. Now having an extremely creative imagination, is in some ways looked down up on. The Weird kid, because he can make something out of nothing, but before gaming that was every kid. Another Negative is that playing against someone across the world. Yes, this is really cool, but it also frustrating. There is nothing that will make you mad than dying in a game, and the death is followed by an obvious child playing the same game as you. Usually this child will be cussing up a storm at you, just because he or she can. The gaming world has evolved to a bunch of trash talking kids.
A way to escape reality, but isn't that the reason a lot of things were created? Gaming can be compared to drugs and alcohol, not in the sense that it destroys your body, but in the sense of addiction. Just like anything people can become addicted, and people do become addicted very easily. Some people actually dedicate their lives to this virtual world.
Now, in modern times, it is common for a person to own some sort of gaming console or more than 1.
Most action's can be blamed on your video game usage. So we ask ourselves... is video games ruining our lives or should video games be taken into view as alcohol.... it is not as bad when it is not misused or indulged.
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